Wednesday, October 7, 2009

State of the Left Leg

The most common question I am asked in the last two years, “how’s the leg?” I am most appreciative of all my friends concerns & questions regarding my gimpy leg. So, with the intent of avoiding a repetitive report of my current condition consistently again & again, I am telling all who care to know on this blog.

(pictures taken Sept 29 2009)

Frankly, first & foremost I wish I could hug n hold everyone that has been so kind, considerate, supportive, encouraging & giving these past two years. Thank you, thank you, & thank you so so much. I am forever indebted to all. I will have to share sometime soon all the lessons learned through this simple set back, that’s for a later date. Onward to my current state

I can walk… somewhat similar to a normal human… I say hooray. Sometimes noticeable after a car ride or sit in a crowded restaurant booth I do have that stiff limp walk but normalcy returns quicker each week. I can’t run… yet!! I can ride my bike, quite well, but am handicapped in certain situations. I can read a book, watch movies, make coffee, cook dinner & stand up in the shower. Some simple pleasures enjoyed now more than pre break. I can’t jump off a stool without excruciating pain, unless I land on my right leg. I still don’t understand women, that said with only one good leg to stand on.

So here’s the low down; my left leg is very weak compared to my right, I can’t bend my left nearly as far as my right, my ankle doesn’t have full range of motion, I can’t kneel, my left leg has atrophied (see pics) so much that it may take another year to build the muscle, after a few hours on my feet the leg swells up like a plump dog on the BBQ, & yes at times it plain ol hurts. All of the above is an abbreviated version, but it’s to the point.

More important is that I am blessed with what I have, able to do, & who I know.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That is amazing. Just think if you were not a determined athlete and overcomer. You would be sitting in a chair with wheels. As for the ordeal...

    Refiners fire.

